
Arba Minch University and its France-based partner - International Centre of Pure Applied Mathematics (CIMPA) has organized 2-week-long online training program entitled ‘Optimal Control and Applications in Engineering’ at Haile Resort, Arba Minch, beginning from 29th March to 8th April, 2021. Click here to see the pictures

The program was inaugurated by CIMPA’s Executive Director, Prof Christophe Ritzenthaler, while Yacine Chitour, CIMPA representative for this 2-week-long online training and Prof Francesca Chittaro coordinated with the local team in Arba Minch University, informed program local coordinator, Dr Simon Derke.

In his opening remark, Academic Affairs Vice President, Dr Alemayehu Chufamo, said, this online training workshop on optimal control and its application on engineering perfectly matches with the mission of AMU to advance science and technology in the country. We firmly believe that this event will provide a unique platform for academic staff, PhD researchers and other research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about emerging field of mathematics in relation with its use in the field of engineering.

The training was given by six eminent Mathematics professors are Prof. Francesca Chittaro, Prof. Eric Busvelle and Prof. Jean Paul Gauthier from University of Toulon; Prof. Laura Poggiolini, University degli Studi di Firenze, Prof Jean Baptiste Caillan, University Cote d’Azur, France and Prof. Olivier Cots, was from ENSEEIHT – Higher Educational Institution in Toulouse, France.

Around 65 participants of which 45 were physically present at Haile Resort, Arba Minch, Ethiopia of which 24 senior faculty members including PhD scholars belonged to AMU, 21 from Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Wolkite, Wachemo, Debre Berhan, Debre Markos, Hawassa and Mizan Tepi universities. 20 participants availed the virtual training from Nigeria, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mali, Philippines, Cameroon, Niger, Benin and Senegal.

(Communication Affairs Directorate)