
Arba Minch University Gender Directorate is one of the sections of the university which gives attention to females’ education. The office was officially established on September 2005 & is accountable to the president office of the university.

The major focus of the office is facilitating & coordinating situation to promote the participation of female students at educational levels through ensuring gender equality and fighting against negative attitude towards females’ education, as well as the recruitment and promotion of female staff in the university.

The office is working in coordination with students, teachers, different academic and administration staff to give educational support, create conducive academic environment, encourage the empowerment … of female students.

So far, the office has made different efforts to attain its objectives.  Based on its annual plan it has planned to promote females education and initiate academically out standing female students.

Vision statement

To see Arba Minch University as a place where females equally participate and contribute in social, economic and political areas of development.

Mission statement


Contact Us

Gender Affairs Office
P.O. Box 21
Arba Minch University

Tel: +251-46881-0519
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.