• Faculty of: Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Specialization: PhD: Uttarakhand Technical University (Govt.) in Computer Science and Engineering Specialization: Privacy, Security & Forensics.
  • Journals: 1. “Network Forensics: The Privacy & Security”, Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), 2. “Advance Java Programming”, Paragon International. Journal: 3. Inderscience: International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. 4. Elsevier: Perspective in Science 5. Springer: Intelligent Communication, Control and Devices 6. Security &Communication Networks, Hindawi 7. International journal of recent technology & Engineering (2) 8. Network Protocols and Algorithms 9. Journal of Networks 10. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 11. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 12. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 13. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research 14. J Comput Eng Inf Technol (USA) 15. International Journal of Computer Applications (5) 16. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science. 17. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Conferences 18. Springer: International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), Hanoi, Vietnam. 19. IEEE: International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, Central America. 20. IEEE: International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), El Salvador, Central America. 21. Springer: International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences, Dehradun, India. 22. Springer: International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Control and Devices, Dehradun, India. 23. International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, Gopeshwar, India 24. IEEE: Advance in computing and communication Engineering, India 25. IEEE: Computational intelligence and computing research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. 26. Springer: Advances in Communication and Control Systems, India 27. IEEE: Computational intelligence and computing research, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu.
  • Additional Duty: 1. Journal testimony committee for academic position in AMIT 2. Establishment of new journal for AMIT 3. AMIT conference committee, 2019 & 2021 4. Editorial board Member for Conference Proceedings, 2019 & 2021


Dr.Anchit Bijalwan
Associate Professor,
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+251 983793792
