Accountable to the President's office
One of the offices reporting to the President's which is in charge of coordinating the development of moral and ethical behavior in the community by preventing corruption and malpractice in all services in accordance with the laws, decrees, and orders of the government at Arba Minch University in collaboration with two institutes, six colleges, and entire directorates that collectively aim to achieve the university's mission.
The directorate should create an attitude and understanding in society to prevent corruption through teaching, research, community service, and good governance activities; build ethical and moral values; conduct research-based pre-corruption prevention activities; effectively carry out wealth notification and registration activities; and create a movement in the university community so that the community is the owner of the anti-corruption campaign. It is to achieve the vision and mission of the Federal ethics and anti-corruption commission and the university.
Look around for the nature of a university society where corruption is reduced, the rule of law is confirmed, and corruption is abhorred. With the aim of preventing the problems of corruption and malpractice, the vision of working together for institutional change has been established to strengthen society to play its role in the anti-corruption campaign.
Foster service fairness in the institution by outshining on ethical, moral, and anti-corruption activities.
- complete personality
- outstanding on aversion to corruption and malpractice,
- Participation, Teamwork
- Communication and perseverance
- Being ready for change,
- Being an example to others in good manners
The main tasks of the office
The following are important tasks to do in order to achieve the aforementioned mission, vision, and goals, among other duties and activities of the office that are outlined in the decree.
- Raising ethical awareness
- Preventing Corruption
- Providing training in ethical and moral values to create an attitude and understanding to prevent corruption.
- Lead the way to corrective measures based on corruption and malpractice nominations.
- Institutional development of good ethics and coordination of anti-corruption activities
- Conducting system research based on urgent anti-corruption work
- Counsel the institution on the issue of anti-corruption.
Encourage participation from the AMU community and its stakeholders in the combating/fight against corruption.
Motto "Ethical services for a corruption-free institution"
Head of Directorate
Name: - Ms. Etaferahu Mekonnen
Designation: - Ethics and Anti-corruption Executive
Telephone:- 0468811638