

AMU Project code 


Project status 




Project phase 


Partner(s)/ country(ies) 

UNHCR Ethiopian Representation 

AMU coordinating office(s) 

School of Law 

Project type 

Community engagement (Providing legal aid services) 

Project location 

Konso Zone, Alle Special Wereda and Derashe (Gidole) 

Target Communities 

Internally Displaced Persons' (IDPs) 

Project coordinator  

School of Law, Dean 

Principal investigator 

Enyew Deresse 


Dagnachew werku, Mikael Mesele and Surafel Demelash 

Total project budget (€) 


Project start 


Project end 


Contact person (e-mail) 

Enyew Deresse (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) 

Project Management Office 

Office of the Grant and Collaborative Project Management Director: Dr. Thomas Torora (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Project description  

The project is primarily concerned with providing access to justice to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the project areas which are Konso Zone, Derashe and Alle Special Weredas. Meanwhile, the project will also provide the service to marginalized groups that include women, children, persons with disability and prisoners in the areas. Access to justice is defined as the ability of people to seek and obtain a remedy through formal or informal institutions of justice for grievances, in compliance with human rights standards. The project will contribute its share in assisting IDPs, women, accused persons, Children, and other victims of rights violation via providing advice, preparing different legal documents, court representation and dispute resolution mechanisms. The project will also work on awareness rising and rights sensitization to different stakeholders like judges, prosecutors and police officers by providing trainings and convening workshops.  The services will be provided by Arba Minch University Legal Aid Centres in collaboration with UNHCR Ethiopia