Arba Minch University successfully hosted the 5th International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET-2024) on May 25th, 2024. An MoU marking a significant collaboration of AMU with the Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) was also signed. Click here to see more photos.

Dr. Tesfaye H/Mariam, Executive Director for Research and Delegate for Research and Community Engagement Vice President, emphasized the urgency of research and innovation to meet emerging needs of the nation. "Research and innovation are not optional; they are essential to address the immediate problems of our society," Dr. Tesfaye stated.

AMiT Scientific Director, Dr. Muluneh Lemma, highlighting AMU’s commitment to research, academic excellence, and community engagement said that the conference provides a vital platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing. The conference focuses on three themes: design, development and manufacturing of electro-mechanical engineering systems for sustainable development, information technology and computing systems for sustainable development and sustainable development in built environment, he remarked. The Scientific director also noted that the signing of the MoU with the Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) marks a significant step in AMiT's commitment to practical applications of research and innovation and the partnership will foster collaboration in areas relevant to railway development potentially leading to future research projects and technological advancements.

The Keynote speaker, Dr. Tatek Fikadu, a chief engineer at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and an alumnus of Arba Minch University, virtually participating in the conference addressed the importance of sustainable practices and innovative technologies for road construction and maintenance in developing countries. Highlighting global perspectives on achieving sustainability in road construction, he said, by utilizing advanced technology additives, smart pavement systems, recycled and sustainable materials, renewable energy integration, and innovative construction techniques like in-situ stabilization, road construction practices can be aligned with the principles of a circular economy.

Sharing some identified key challenges in road construction and maintenance focusing on Ethiopian experiences, Dr. Tatek also remarked the quality-related issues and the need for improved methods of control. By addressing these challenges, Ethiopia can progress towards sustainable development goals in a timely, cost-effective, and environment friendly manner, he disclosed.

Mr. Bekele Atto, Chief Officer of the Ethiopian Railway Institute and Delegate of CEO of Ethiopian Railway Corporation and the second keynoter on his presentation entitled "Railway Development in Ethiopia" explained the historical and ongoing railway development projects in the country and emphasized the role of partnerships in advancing the infrastructure.

Mr. Addisu Mulugeta, the director of AMiT Research and Community Engagement Directorate, said on his part that a total of 40 papers were submitted in four thematic areas from which 14 were selected and 13 were orally presented in the conference; the selected papers will be published in the Ethiopian International Journal of Engineering and Technology, EIJET.

Mr. Yirga Kene from Debre Tabor University, presenting his paper on "Advancing Ethiopian Coffee Industry: Deep Learning-Based Classification of Coffee Bean Varieties for Improved Quality Control and Traceability," said that using computer vision and deep learning techniques to accurately classify Ethiopian coffee bean varieties, addressing challenges related to quality and origin has the potential to significantly benefit Ethiopia's coffee industry, a major source of foreign revenue.

The other presenter Basha Kesim, from AMU, disclosing his research findings on “Cloud-based Knowledge Management” said, a cloud-based framework is designed to enhance knowledge sharing and collaboration among staff at Arba Minch University. The framework was designed to address challenges in knowledge management within the university fostering a more collaborative and innovative environment, he remarked.

AMU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) of Ethiopia to further showcase the institute's unwavering commitment to practical applications of research, innovation, infrastructure development, and community engagement. The collaboration is designed to foster knowledge exchange and resource-sharing, directly addressing railway development challenges through research, academic expertise, and strategic partnerships.

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