Computers are playing a major role in shaping the information or the knowledge age. They are also becoming essential in almost all activities of human life. Furthermore, with the decline in the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations and individuals that couldn't afford to have computers some years back can now afford to acquire them. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerization. The most important step is to be able to use them properly.
This necessitates for a high number of skilled computer scientists who will develop the necessary applications for the computers, administer the computer systems and decide on computer system acquisitions of the organizations and all automation processes in general.
Institutions, enterprises, organizations and companies in all sectors, public and private, are directly or indirectly being affected by the overwhelming information flow around the world. The effect goes down to small businesses and even to individuals. Every such unit must be equipped with tools that enable it to survive in such a dynamic world. Ethiopia is no exception and we must get ready to cope up with the influence of the knowledge age in our day to day life.
Currently, the country has no sufficient number of competent computer professionals in the various fields of Computer Science and IT. Various Governmental and other organizations have the desire to use modern information technology. However, there is an acute shortage of technical staff. The failure of many projects in IT in terms of implementation and sustainability is largely attributed to shortage of qualified professionals.
Realizing the importance of Computer Science and IT and the acute shortage of skilled manpower in the field, AMU launched an Advanced Diploma program in Computer Science in 1995 E.C (Closed).The first curriculum for B.Sc degree program was adopted in 1996 E.C. under Faculty of Engineering. In addition to this the university launched a second B.Sc Degree program in Information Technology in 2004 E.C. Currently both the programs run under Computer Science and IT department under Arba Minch Institute of Technology (AMIT).
The major objectives of the Department of Computer Science and It are the following:
- Education: to run Computer Science and IT programs to undergraduate, graduate, continuing and distance education students, as well as to offer Computer Science service courses to other Departments of the University.
- Research: to formulate an integrated research framework by
- Identifying appropriate research projects for graduate students and staff
- Initiating multidisciplinary research collaborations, and
- Presenting and publishing research results in appropriate national/international journals and conferences.
Department has been evaluating its curriculum over the last years through departmental assessment, peer evaluation and discussions with stakeholders.
Program Objectives
General Objectives of the Program
The primary objective of the program is to produce high quality graduates with an entrepreneurial and problem-solving mindset.
Specific Objectives
- Educating and training students for the very dynamic and rapidly changing science and technology market.
- Educating and training students to become life-long learners by providing them with a sound base in computer science, basic sciences as well as general education.
- Motivating students to be innovators who can respond very positively to the challenges and opportunities presented by new ideas and technologies.
- Laying a strong foundation for, and instilling confidence in students who may want to pursue post-graduate studies later in life.
Graduate Profiles
The program tries to achieve all of the outcomes suggested in the curriculum guide line document of computing programs.
Knowledge and Understanding
- Have thorough understanding of theories, principles and methods in computer science and IT;
- Articulate & demonstrate effectively computer & transferable knowledge& skills on computer science and IT practices, theories & principles;
- A good knowledge of how knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to computer science and IT can be used to model and design computer system.
- An in depth understanding of the appropriate theories, practices, languages and tools that may be deployed for specification, design, implementation, and evaluation of software systems.
- Knowledge of how to present succinctly (orally, electrically or in writing) rational and reasoned arguments that address a given problem to be solved by computer.
- An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
- An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
Practical Skills
- Analyze, design, develop & maintain software (Application &System software)
- Analyze, design, implement& administer computer networks
- Analyze, design, develop& administer database systems
- Analyze, design, develop, maintain, and administer web based applications
- Design, analyze and implement computer algorithms
- Apply the concept of professional practices and ethics in computer science and IT
- Specify, design and construct computer systems in a manner that is both innovative and creative.
- Critically evaluate and analyze computer systems (including any risks or safety aspects that may be involved in their operation).
- Deploy effectively the tools used for the construction and documentation of computer systems, with practical emphasis on understanding of the whole process involved in the effective deployment of computers to solve practical problems.
- An ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs.
- Manage and run system development projects and IT related projects
Transferable skill
- Assist, participate and contribute in research activities in the area of computer science and IT.
- Provide computer technology related consultancy service.
- The ability to manage their own learning and development, time management and organizational skills.
- An appreciation of the need for continuing professional development in recognition for the need for lifelong learning.
- An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
- An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities.
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
- An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society.
- Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, continuing professional development.
- An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices.
- Be prepared to enter a top-ranked graduate program in computer science and IT.
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements would be similar to the general institutional requirements.
Duration of the Study
- Students will not take different computing and IT courses at their high school study
- The nature of the discipline needs many practical works
Considering the above facts, program objectives and graduate profile, four years of study are required to complete the program sunder normal circumstances.
Graduation Requirements
The major graduation requirements for Regular and CEP program include:
Successful completion of all courses;
- A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00;
- A Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) of at least 2.00 in major courses;
- At least C grade in the Industrial Project courses;
- No grade of "F" or “I” in any of the courses.
Programs currently running in the Department of Computer Science and IT are:
- B.Sc. program in Computer Science
- B.Sc. program in Information Technology (Regular, Extension and Summer)
- M. Sc. program in Computer Science
- M. Sc. program in Information Technology
In addition, the Department offers a service course for all regular and extension students in the university
Staff Profile
Contact Us
Department of Computer Science & IT
P.O. Box 21
Arba Minch Institute of Technology
Arba Minch University
Tel: +251-46881-4421
Fax: +251-46881-4971