Arba Minch University will be celebrating its 29th Convocation at Abaya Campus Auditorium on 25th June, 2016, beginning at 8.30 am. AMU top officials that include Senate members, invited guests, academic fraternity, other staff members, graduating students’ kith and kin, patrons and well-wishers will grace the event.

Due to limited seating capacity, graduates, few family members, dignitaries and invited guests will be allowed in the Hall. Others including graduating students’ family members can view the event live on digital signage screens installed at Abaya and other campuses. ICT team will also ensure the event is streamed live on ‘YouTube’ and Facebook for the larger audience at home without crowding the venue.

Several constituted committees accountable to University President are entrusted with the tasks to ensure everything is appropriately and timely organized in strategically important areas like academic, administrative, exhibition, transportation, security and hospitality etc.

(By Philips Joseph: Corporate Communication Directorate)

College of Social Sciences and Humanities’ Pedagogical Sciences Department recently has conducted an external review of MA program in Curriculum and Instruction at Main Campus. Situational and demand analysis reports support its launching in next academic year. Click here to see the pictures.

In 12 years of association with Arab Minch University, Dr Simon Shibru Cheche has wielded several positions till date. With PhD from Antwerp University, Belgium, he is now appointed as Director of Research Directorate on 31st May, 2016.