Arab Minch University inked a Memorandum of Understanding with D.Y. Patil Agriculture and Technical University of Talsande, India. The 5-year pact was signed by AMU's Vice President for Research and Community Engagement, Behailu Merdekios (Associate Professor), and Vice Chancellor of DYP-ATU, Prof.K.Prathapan, on 1st February, 2023. Click here to see more pictures.

AMU's Vice President for Research and Community Engagement, Behailu Merdekios (Associate Professor), giving the low-down on AMU said that the university was initially established as Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (AWTi) to address water-related issues and later, in 2004, got scaled up to a full-fledged university as Arba Minch University. He also stated that AMU has current structure of  6 colleges,  2 institutes, four schools, 1 Sport Academy, 7 Research Centers and 1 Research Institute and runs 75 UG, 140 Masters and 34 PhD degree programs.

According to the vice president, the agreement established with DYP-ATU provides a golden opportunity for both parties to jointly identify specific fields to conduct collaborative research programs of mutual interest and benefit; both institutions exchange students.

DYP-ATU Vice Chancellor, Prof.K.Prathapan on his part, said the agreement is intended to provide higher education opportunities for students and faculty members of both institutions, promote institutional linkage, and explore other avenues for more areas of collaborations. He also added that the two institutions have agreed to conduct joint research projects and publish research findings. The longstanding partnership of India with Ethiopia should get strengthened further and yield better, he remarked.

Delegate Dean for AMU'S College of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. Degife Assefa, said, the bilateral agreement will greatly help to carry out joint research and share technological innovations that will improve the agricultural sector. Further, he adds that the agreement is the beginning of partnership that will play a vital role in capacitating the research and academic staff of the college.

Dr. Ghulam Hassan Shah, AMU' expat staff, is appreciated for his pivotal role in shaping and bridging the collaboration between the two institutions.

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