Dr Tesfaye Habtemariam

3Cs - Collaborate, Conduct and Communicate will be the strategic template for newly anointed Executive Research Director, Dr Tesfaye Habtemariam, which he thinks will metamorphose AMU’s entire research endeavor. And despite odds stack against him, he is optimistic to get everyone on his bandwagon of new era that is aimed at breathing life into the system to make it more efficacious!

Dr Tesfaye agreed that Corona pandemic has ominous impact on everything that had almost torpedoed progress globally and Ethiopia wasn’t exception. Research in particular where with 258 proposals we had only 41% of completion rate that further declined by 59%; but in terms of project proposal call, we have been doing well. Before pandemic, completion rate was 49% and 31% respectively; he adds that this fluctuation will be examined with a check-list that will enable to pinpoint actual difficulties.

To a query on competition for this science-centric position, he said, I know this office require specific professional aptitude wherein managerial skill is most important that I do have and my 30-year teaching and rich research experience certainly fit the bill; so, I had no reservation while competing.

Hailing from North Shoa, he had 1st degree from Dilla University, MA English from Exeter University, England and PhD (blended e-learning) from Addis Ababa University. His first job was of an English teacher in Konso (8 years), thereafter, with Arba Minch’s Teachers’ Training College for 5 year and 12 years before, he joined AMU as a lecturer for Teaching English as Foreign Language.

Exuding exuberance, he adds that going whole hog for collaborative research with national and global stakeholders at all levels for grants is his utmost priority. And I want each centre and coordination office to write compelling proposals for it. And it’s huge task that needs restructuring our entire set-up that includes deployment of professionals at key points that will enable us to achieve befitting research university.

Unraveling dream plan that’s expected to entail huge financial provision, he said, we want to establish a ‘Science Park’ that will need separate campus. We envisage it to have a full-fledged research laboratory, incubation centre, designated fields to portray AMU’s research ongoing endeavors and what’s achieved. It has 43 provisions including MoSHE’s stipulation that will facilitate quite space for researchers to think creatively and write manuscripts.

Playing down idea of going beyond MoSHE’s straitjacket, he said, we know what satisfies us so we will place those specifics befitting Research University before them. Thus next step is to convince MoSHE and once it’s done we will have a devoted team in place. Initially AMU Management will peruse it and then we will push it further. On internet connectivity, he said, it’s likely to be upgraded in coming days.

With AMU management restructuring afoot, research office will also be reshuffled at centre level where decision-making is to be decentralized but college-level structure shall remain intact. With core focus on winning grants, we will recruit professionals like data manager, research grant writer, event organizer, etc.

On financial restriction, he said, revised guidelines will address the issue; 5% of total budget for research activities may not suffice, therefore, we need to tap internal and external grants. For Research University, it’s must to adopt unconventional approach where entire staff has to understand and be ready to get acclimatized in new environment; our perception and service delivery approach have to be remodeled.

On striking balance between teaching and research mandate, he said, decentralization of roles, personal commitment and judicious use of time will do the magic. We can think locally but has to act globally; how successfully, we communicate will determine the fate of this plan and I think it’s time to stop working in silos and let’s do out-of-the-box thinking for better results, he stressed.

University will soon institute rewards in different categories such as best researcher, best publisher, best technology innovator, best grant winner of the year, etc. that will be periodically conferred. And AMU needs a strategy to retain best minds otherwise brain-drain will certainly upset our applecart, he quipped.

(Communication Affairs Directorate)