March Contemporary Ethiopian female artist Senafikesh Zeleke, who is also the president of Ethiopian Female Painting Artists Association, will display her work of arts in a four-day exhibition to be held at PG Building, Library, Main Campus.

The exhibition will be inaugurated by university President, Dr Feleke Woldeyes, on March 17, 2015, amid the presence of AMU top officials and community members. The expo will end on March 20, 2015. Being respected for her outstanding contribution in the work of Arts, Senafikesh is one of the country’s celebrated female artists like Fitunework Ali, Genet Alemu, Karima Ahmed, Mehret Dawit, Merikokeb Berhanu and Roshan Linsi. Therefore, university community is invited to avail this opportunity to view her artistic work.

(By Corporate Communication Directorate)