The EJWST is multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published annually by Arba Minch University, Institute of Technology. It publishes original research papers which are of original and international significance in the field of water science and technology under the following thematic areas:
- Water resources Engineering,
- Dam Safety and Reservoirs
- Hydraulics and hydropower Engineering,
- Water Supply and sanitation,
- Irrigation and drainage Engineering,
- Water management and institutions,
- Hydrometeorology,
- Climate Change and Mitigation Options,
- Water Allocation,
- Water and Soil conservation,
- Management of extreme Hydrologic events,
- Wastewater Treatment and Management,
- Hydrological Modeling
- Water Harvesting.
Researchers and professionals, who are interested publishing their work in the area of above mentioned and related topics, are encouraged to submit at our journal.
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