There is a vacant position for researcher to work on the ongoing project entitled “Enhanced Enset Park Development Initiative for Sustainable Livelihood in Gamo Highlands”. The project aims to contribute towards consolidation of efforts that are being made to establish a series of enset parks on Gamo highlands so as to realize conservation of cultural and biological diversity, economic and ecological sustainability and local livelihood improvement. Vacancy Announcement for the Position of Researcher for Enset Park Project
1. Duties and Responsibilities
- Facilitating the transition of Enset Park Associations into Enset Park Union
Support and guidance will be offered to Enset Park Associations at Chencha so as to maintain the interest and motivation displayed in conserving enset and the traditional farming system. During the project period, the twelve villages-based associations will merge and form a Union following the local rules on organization of cooperative associations.
- Launching innovative income generating activities
Household income maximizing activities such as organizing improved handicraft production units, putting in place local active tourism (trekking across the agricultural landscape), establishing local food vending restaurants (gastronomic centers), and market oriented promotion of enset- based products will be undertaken.
- Enriching enset field gene banks
Enset field gene banks that have already been established within the Park area will be enriched by planting diverse collection of farmers’ varieties of enset from both the park area and other enset-growing areas in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS).
- Expanding the park establishment initiative to a new territory
2. Requirements for the position
The candidate must have:
At least a rank of lecturer
Excellent communication, interpersonal skill and proven research ability
Relevant research experience on enset, such as problems and threats to enset cultivation – pests, diseases, climate and other environmental changes; soil fertility management in the enset agro-ecosystems; enset biodiversity conservation, and others.
An appreciation of team spirit and demonstrated competence in coordination of research activities.
And possibly other related work experience
3. Benefits
Major benefit: Satisfaction by his/her contribution towards the achievement of the objectives of the project and contribution for the national growth and transformation plan (GTP).
String benefits: As per the project document
4. Place and deadline of application:
Interested applicants are required to submit the followings in a sealed envelope to the office of VPRCS before Oct. 26, 2016 G.C, 5:00 P.M.
- All credentials
- Detailed C.V.
- Letter of Motivation
- Publications
- Any other supportive documents